A list of things I worked on with Penelope Umbrico during the 2013 New York Arts Practicum

1.    Picked up prints from Adorama

2.    Measured frames for spacers

3.    Collected the contact information for every bookstore recommended on the D.A.P Publishing website (103)

4.    Called every bookstore recommended on the D.A.P Publishing website (103)

5.    Researched balsa wood vendors

6.    Researched whether there is such a thing as acid free wood glue (there is one brand)

7.    Picked up prints from Adorama

8.    Inspected prints for dents, scratches, or other imperfections

9.    Visited LMAKprojects to observe discussion about fall exhibition plans

10.  Visited commercial mounter to deliver prints for Percent for Art Installation

11.   Picked up prints from Adorama

12.  Collected free samples of gray paint from hardware stores that would approximate a Gray Card

13.  Purchased acid free wood glue (was reimbursed)

14.  Researched tripod dollies and sound recorders for Smithsonian Artist Research Fellowship project

15.  Picked up Penelope’s work from Von Lintel Gallery

16.  Picked up work Penelope traded for from Pace Gallery

17.  Picked up prints from Adorama

18.  Picked up print from Kinko’s

19.  Researched origins of illustrations used in Percent for Art Installation (lost count, literally thousands)

20.  Compiled the names of all of the artists who made the illustrations used in the Percent for Art Installation

21.  Debated title of the Percent for Art Project Installation (Final title: Cabinet)

22.  Corrected and converted vector files used to make custom frames for Cabinet

23.  Went to Materials for the Arts and finding Plexiglas for installation for residency at Recess with David Horvitz

24.  Finding a Plexiglas cutter

25.  Measuring, scoring, and cutting Plexiglas

26.  Researching instant film cameras

27.  Picked up prints from Adorama

28.  Picked up print from Kinko’s

29.  Picked up up instant film camera from B&H

30. Reading and giving feedback on Penelope’s artist statement for piece in Alt. +1000 Festival

31.  Writing thank you notes for supplies acquired from Materials for the Arts

32.  Designing backside of limited edition postcard set for Aperture for the NY Book Art Fair

33.  Sending images to Daylight Books for feature in their digital magazine

34.  Researching statistics on cubicle and office furniture sales in the U.S. from 2008-Present

35.  Researching bank failures in the U.S. from 2008-Present

36.  Printing statistics and compiling them in a binder to be included in installation at Recess

37.  Searching Penelope’s house for her Flusser books

38.  Categorizing a collection of images of office furniture found on craigslist

39.  Picked up prints from Adorama

40.  Picked up prints from LMAKprojects

41.  Returned prints to Adorama

42.  Cropped Suns from Flickr for commissioned piece

43.  Helped re-arrange David Horvitz installation at Recess

44.  Observed installation of Percent for Art Project at PS/IS 71 on Staten Island

45.  Ate ice cream cones while waiting for the Staten Island Ferry (my treat)


LM | 2013